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mantle plume是什么意思

发布时间:2021-03-03 作者: 英语查

mantle plume 是什么意思


mantle:    n. 1.披风,罩衣。 2.一层(被覆)幕,盖罩。 3. ...
plume:    n. 1.(长而美的)羽毛;羽衣。 2.羽毛饰;荣誉的表 ...
A mantle plume is a posited thermal abnormality where hot rock nucleates at the core-mantle boundary and rises through the Earth's mantle becoming a diapir in the Earth's crust. Such plumes were invoked in 1971 to explain volcanic regions that were not thought to be explicable by the then-new theory of plate tectonics.


1.Carboniferous tianshan igneous megaprovince and mantle plume

2.Based on the summarize study of mantle plume and thermal structure , the paper divided the thermal structure into several pieces

3.Emei - mantle plume ' s activity is very violent in binchuan - chenghai region , and a lot of its axis material is exposed in this region

4.Olson is particularly interested in how the earth ' s core and mantle interact to produce geomagnetic fields , plate tectonics and deep mantle plumes

5.Due to the subduction of pacific palte under eurasian in early cretaceous , at about 140 ma , fast collapse ( delamination ) took place and the mantle plume emerged , both resulted in the large - scale crustal extension in ludong
3 、富集地幔源区( em1 )的产生是俯冲并熔融的扬子下地壳物质进入华北岩石圈地幔并与之相互交代作用形成的。

6.Based on affirming mantle plume hypothesis , the authors introduce several 2d or 3d simulation experiments about ridge - plume ( hotspot ) interaction and some examples of hotspot - ridge interactions existing in the three oceans

7.Hotspot is a window to understand mantle plume hypothesis and dynamics of mantle plume , and the area where ridge interactions with hotspot is the best place to directly find out relationship between plate tectonics and mantle plume

8.It also implied that mother magma formed mafite was a residual melt trace elements distributed pattern is similar to transitional mid - ocean ridge basalt simultaneously , the pattern , which displayed a clear ( k ) . rb . ba , th , ( th ) - enriched , also can be explained as an ocean ridge environment overlappe d with mantle plume
其微量元素的分配形式类似于过渡类型的洋中脊玄武岩,同时表现出( k ) 、 rb 、 ba 、 th 、 ( ta )的明显富集,也可解释为在洋中脊环境上叠加了地幔柱的特征。

9.The research of large igneous rock province - ermei basalt extrusion - mantle plume shows that songpan - ganzi folded belt is a hopeful target for breakthrough of petroleum exploration , and the key issue is how to make well a coupling and optimization among its faults , structures , traps and reservoirs

10.Applying system theory to study mineralized belt or concentrated area has been a hot topic recently . this paper applied new theory of modern seafloor hydrothermal sedimentary minerlization , sequence stratigraphy , mantle plume or hotspot and metallogenic series to study systematacially characteristic of geology and geochemistry of seafloor hydrothermal sedimentary deposits and hydrothermal sedimentary - rebuilded deposits and gold deposits

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